Statewide Newsletter and Legal Memorandum

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Index of the Statewide Title Newsletter and Legal Memorandum

 Issue 1 House Bill 459, Pertaining to Cancellation of Deeds of Trust, Passes   8/1/1995
 Issue 2 House Bill 545 Cartway Statute Revision   9/1/1995
 Issue 2 Various New Statutes   9/1/1995
 Issue 3 Amendments To Equity Line Statutes   10/1/1995
 Issue 3 Purchase Money Mortgages and Deeds of Trust - Joinder of non-owner spouse; priority   10/1/1995
 Issue 3 Statute of Limitations to enforce Restrictive Covenants : Allen v. Sea Gate Ass’n, Inc. (No. COA94-913)   10/1/1995
 Issue 4 Beware of Pre-Bankruptcy Judgements   11/1/1995
 Issue 4 Sales By Personal Representatives Pursuant to Power Contained in a Will and Certain Other Problems   11/1/1995
 Issue 5 Access Easements and Title Insurance Coverage   12/1/1995
 Issue 5 Malpractice Case   12/1/1995
 Issue 6 Access Easements and Title Insurance Coverage   1/1/1996
 Issue 7 Dissolution and Suspension of Corporations   2/1/1996
 Issue 7 Residential Property Disclosure   2/1/1996
 Issue 8 Rx For Title Ailments - Curative and Other Statutes   3/1/1996
 Issue 9 Mobile Home and Manufactured Housing Units   4/1/1996
 Issue 10 Bankruptcy, Judgements and Liens - Revisited, With Emphasis on 11 U.S.C. Sec. 522(f)   5/1/1996
 Issue 10 Sales by Personal Representatives - An Update   5/1/1996
 Issue 11 Forfeiture of Real Property, Lis Pendens and Forfeiture Judgements   6/1/1996
 Issue 11 Proposed Amendments to the Cancellation Statute   6/1/1996
 Issue 12 Lien Avoidance and 11 U.S.C. Sec. 522(f) - An Update   7/1/1996
 Issue 12 Corporate Conveyances Execution and Acknowledgement   7/1/1996
 Issue 12 More on Mobile Homes - A Recent Case   7/1/1996
 Issue 13 New Laws - Cancellation of Deeds of Trust   8/1/1996
 Issue 13 "Good Funds Settlement Act" Passes   8/1/1996
 Issue 13 Tax Deferred Exchanges - Selected Issues   8/1/1996
 Issue 14 Execution of Conveyances on Behalf of Limited Liability Companies   9/1/1996
 Issue 14 "Safe Harbors"   9/1/1996
 Issue 14 Federal Tax Liens - After Acquired Real Property   9/1/1996
 Issue 15 Subordination Agreements   10/1/1996
 Issue 15 Tax Deferred Exchanges - Examples of "Boot Netting" Rules   10/1/1996
 Issue 15 Form 1099-S - Real Estate Reporting Requirements   10/1/1996
 Issue 16 Trusts - Selected Issues - Article 13 of Chapter 36A and Trust Powers   11/1/1996
 Issue 16 Tax Deferred Exchanges - Replacement Property Construction   11/1/1996
 Issue 16 Husband and Wife Conveyances Under G.S. 39-13.3 and Joinder Problems   11/1/1996
 Issue 17 Execution of Conveyances on Behalf of Limited Liability Companies (Part II)   12/1/1996
 Issue 17 Tacking on to Prior Policies   12/1/1996
 Issue 18 Smith v. Martin - Trustee's Responsibility for Wrongful Cancellation of Deed of Trust; Subordination Agreement Validity   1/1/1997
 Issue 18 Bankruptcy - 11 U.S.C. Section 1327 and Chapter 13 Lien Avoidance   1/1/1997
 Issue 18 Miscellaneous - Two New Mechanics’ Liens   1/1/1997
 Issue 18 "ICS Letters"   1/1/1997
 Issue 19 Civil Penalties for Failure to Cancel Deeds of Trust   2/1/1997
 Issue 19 Claim of Mechanics’ Lien Action of Lien Enforcement - Effect Of Dismissal Without Prejudice   2/1/1997
 Issue 19 Planned Unit Development Homeowners’ Association Liens - A Word (or Two) of Caution   2/1/1997
 Issue 19 Liens for Alimony and Child Support   2/1/1997
 Issue 19 Judgements of Mechanics’ Lien Enforcement   2/1/1997
 Issue 20 Bankruptcy Judgements and Liens - 11 U.S.C. Sec. 522(f) Lien Avoidance   3/1/1997
 Issue 21 Impact of Stormwater Regulations on Subdivision Covenants   4/1/1997
 Issue 21 Cancellation Penalties Reprise   4/1/1997
 Issue 21 G.S. 45-38 and "Notice of Foreclosure"   4/1/1997
 Issue 21 Cancellation of Deeds of Trust - When Cancellations Can Be Relied Upon (Or Not!)   4/1/1997
 Issue 22 Gifts by Attorneys in Fact - a Comment on WHITFORD v. GASKILL, No. 399PA95., Supreme Court of North Carolina, 480 S.E.2d 690, Feb. 10, 1997   5/1/1997
 Issue 22 Time is of the Essence!   5/1/1997
 Issue 22 Foreclosure does not cure all ills!   5/1/1997
 Issue 23 Notice to Creditors in Power of Sale Foreclosures   6/1/1997
 Issue 23 Options to Purchase and Title Examinations   6/1/1997
 Issue 23 Foreclosures and Legal Holidays   6/1/1997
 Issue 23 Easements - Scope of Grant   6/1/1997
 Issue 24 Cartway Statute Revision Sunset to Expire   7/1/1997
 Issue 24 Legislative Update   7/1/1997
 Issue 24 Whatley v. Whatley, Tenancy in Common by Encroachment   7/1/1997
 Issue 25 Riparian Rights of Landowners Abutting Navigable Waters   8/1/1997
 Issue 26 Beck v. Beck - Adverse Possession
Evidence of Ouster of Tenant in Common   
 Issue 26 State of the Industry. Our Position. What is the future?   9/1/1997
 Issue 27 Uniform Fraudulent Transfer Act   10/1/1997
 Issue 27 Treatment of Deferred Exchanges   10/1/1997
 Issue 28 The State of Real Property Practice - An Editorial Comment   11/1/1997
 Issue 28 Raise Equitable Defenses to Foreclosure in Superior Court   11/1/1997
 Issue 29 More on Modular Homes - A Comment on Briggs v. Rankin   12/1/1997
 Issue 29 Deed of Trust Cancellation - Using Substitution of Trustee Form   12/1/1997
 Issue 30 Inadequate Notice of Foreclosure Sale to the IRS   1/1/1998
 Issue 30 The "1031 Tax-Deferred Exchange"   1/1/1998
 Issue 31 Capital Gains Certification - Alternative to 1099-S (with Form)   2/1/1998
 Issue 31 Recent Real Property Decisions   2/1/1998
 Issue 32 Ancillary Estate Administration of Non-Resident Decedents   3/1/1998
 Issue 32 The "1031 Tax-Deferred Exchange"   3/1/1998
 Issue 33 Notes on Notary Acknowledgements   4/1/1998
 Issue 33 Validation of Federal Tax Liens   4/1/1998
 Issue 34 Title Insurance Claims   5/1/1998
 Issue 34 Department of Transportation Right-of-Way Easements   5/1/1998
 Issue 35 Civil Penalties for Failure to Cancel Deeds of Trust   6/1/1998
 Issue 36 Proposed 98 Formal Ethics Opinion 8
Participation in a Witness Closing - with comment   
 Issue 36 The Basic Exchange Reviewed - Recent Cases and Revenue Rulings   7/1/1998
 Issue 37 Witness Closings – Your Feedback   8/1/1998
 Issue 37 More on Modular Homes - An Update on Briggs v. Rankin   8/1/1998
 Issue 37 Zoning Endorsements - A Practice Tip   8/1/1998
 Issue 38 Foreclosures and Legal Holidays   9/1/1998
 Issue 38 Witness Closing Summary & Clarification   9/1/1998
 Issue 38 National Lending Trends and Changing Technology… What Does it Mean for Us?   9/1/1998
 Issue 39 Sale of Decedent's Real Property While Estate Administration is Pending   10/1/1998
 Issue 39 The Ten Commandments of Signatures   10/1/1998
 Issue 40 Recent Legislation Affecting Real Property   11/1/1998
 Issue 41 Recent Decisions Affecting Real Property   12/1/1998
 Issue 41 Net Leasehold Interests: Excellent §1031 Replacement Property Opportunities   12/1/1998
 Issue 42 Recent Real Property Decisions   1/1/1999
 Issue 43 U.S. Judgement Liens - Federal Debt Collection Procedures Act of 1990   2/1/1999
 Issue 43 Supreme Court Changes Law on Premises Liability   2/1/1999
 Issue 43 Digital Signature Procedures on the Horizon   2/1/1999
 Issue 44 Tax Foreclosure Sale Issues   3/1/1999
 Issue 44 Deed of Trust Validity Issues - Enderle and Putnam Revisited   3/1/1999
 Issue 44 A Dirt Lawyer's Vacation Reward!   3/1/1999
 Issue 45 Cartway Revision II   4/1/1999
 Issue 46 Intestacy and Dissent Statutes up for Revision   5/1/1999
 Issue 46 How to Handle Earnest Money Deposits to Avoid Boot   5/1/1999
 Issue 47 Recent Developments   6/1/1999
 Issue 47 Vacation Property: Is it Investment Property?   6/1/1999
 Issue 47 What’s the Big Hurry?   6/1/1999
 Issue 48 How to Cancel Liens of Record: A Primer - Part 1   7/1/1999
 Issue 49 How to Cancel Liens of Record: A Primer - Part 2   8/1/1999
 Issue 50 1999 Legislative Update Affecting Real Property   9/1/1999
 Issue 51 1999 Practice Update - Issues Affecting Real Property   10/1/1999
 Issue 52 Curative and Related Statutes - 1999 Update   11/1/1999
 Issue 53 Set the Record Straight   12/1/1999
 Issue 53 The State and Lawyers Close Ranks   12/1/1999
 Issue 54 Review of 1999 Real Property Decisions   1/1/2000
 Issue 55 Entireties, Bankruptcy and the Attachment of Judgement Liens   2/1/2000
 Issue 55 Seller Carry-Back Financing: "Numerous Options Are Available in §1031 Exchanges"   2/1/2000
 Issue 55 Service by Publication on the Internet?   2/1/2000
 Issue 56 Title Insurance Ethics Issues Affecting Real Property Practice   3/1/2000
 Issue 57 Timber, is it Land, Goods or Both?   4/1/2000
 Issue 57 Notary Act Glitch!   4/1/2000
 Issue 58 Problems and Patches   5/1/2000
 Issue 58 1031 Exchange Information: IRS Private Letter Ruling 9926045   5/1/2000
 Issue 59 Revised Proposed 99 Formal Ethics Opinion 13: Attorney’s Supervision of Closing - with comment   6/1/2000
 Issue 59 Revised Proposed 99 Formal Ethics Opinion 13   6/1/2000
 Issue 59 Stephenson v. Warren and Undue Influence   6/1/2000
 Issue 59 Surveys are Important Protection!   6/1/2000
 Issue 60 UCC Article 9 Revision Pending   7/1/2000
 Issue 61 North Carolina Adopts the Uniform Electronic Transactions Act   8/1/2000
 Issue 62 Intestacy and Dissent Statutes Revised - Recent Legislation   9/1/2000
 Issue 63 IRS Issues Sec. 1031 Reverse Exchange Rules   10/1/2000
 Issue 64 Conservation Easements   11/1/2000
 Issue 65 Liens, Another Look   12/1/2000
 Issue 66 Proposed 2000 Formal Ethics Opinion 8   1/1/2001
 Issue 67 Gifts by Attorneys in Fact, A Reprise   2/1/2001
 Issue 68 Manufactured Housing Simplification - Legislative Proposal in the Works   3/1/2001
 Issue 69 2001 Pending Legislation   4/1/2001
 Issue 70 IRS Sec. 1031 Reverse Exchanges - State of Grace in a Sea of Confusion?   5/1/2001
 Issue 71 2001 Legislative Update   6/1/2001
 Issue 72 Recent Developments - Summer 2001   7/1/2001
 Issue 72 Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act   7/1/2001
 Issue 73 Developments of Interest   8/1/2001
 Issue 73 Controlled Business   8/1/2001
 Issue 74 Cases of Note - Jimenez v. Brown and Goodson v. Goodson   9/1/2001
 Issue 75 2001 Legislation Affecting Real Property   10/1/2001
 Issue 76 "Marketable Title"   11/1/2001
 Issue 76 Lien Waivers - An Important Part of the Real Estate Transaction   11/1/2001
 Issue 77 Recent Real Property Decisions   12/1/2001
 Issue 78 Manufactured Housing Bill Passes   1/1/2002
 Issue 78 No Title Search Required for New Insurance Products   1/1/2002
 Issue 78 IRS Requiring Form 8821 for Federal Tax Lien Payoff Information   1/1/2002
 Issue 79 New Year, New Issues   2/1/2002
 Issue 79 Beware - Missing Date of Note   2/1/2002
 Issue 80 Stephens v. Dortch - Extinguishing Dedications Under NCGS Sec. 136-96   3/1/2002
 Issue 81 Tenancy in Common vs. Partnership
IRS Releases Procedure Affecting Sec. 1031 Exchanges   
 Issue 82 IRS Tax Liens Attach to Entireties Interest   5/1/2002
 Issue 83 Standard Residuary Clause Negates Anti-Lapse Statute   6/1/2002
 Issue 84 Current Cases of Note   7/1/2002
 Issue 85 Where do You Stand   8/1/2002
 Issue 86 Recent Real Property Cases of Note   9/1/2002
 Issue 87 Proof of Title
Cartin v. Harrison, NCApp. (2002), COA01-820   
 Issue 88 Recent Real Property Developments   11/1/2002
 Issue 89 Section 1031 Exchanges of Conservation   12/1/2002
 Issue 90 Related Party 1031 Exchanges   1/1/2003
 Issue 90 Equity Line Deeds of Trust Haunting You?   1/1/2003
 Issue 91 Foreclosure Case Misses Due Process Issue   2/1/2003
 Issue 92 Gifts by Attorney in Fact Revisited   3/1/2003
 Issue 93 Easement Case Highlights Title Issues   4/1/2003
 Issue 94 2003 Legislative Proposals   5/1/2003
 Issue 95 June 2003 Real Property Update   6/1/2003
 Issue 96 July 2003 Legislative Update   7/1/2003
 Issue 97 Case Update   8/1/2003
 Issue 97 Recent Legislation   8/1/2003
 Issue 98 Predatory Lending and Proposed Changes to RESPA   9/1/2003
 Issue 99 Planned Community Act Authority Not Retroactive   10/1/2003
 Issue 99 Effective October 1, 2003, Title Insurance Rates Increased to Encompass Insured Closing Protection Coverage   10/1/2003
 Issue 100 Re-Recording Issues   11/1/2003
 Issue 100 Waterfront Property and The State Lands Act   11/1/2003
 Issue 101 Parol Trust Case Derails Evidentiary Doctrine   12/1/2003
 Issue 102 New Mortgage Cancellation Laws on the Horizon   1/1/2004
 Issue 103 Covenant Amendments not Unfair Trade Practice and Plat Dedications Affirmed   2/1/2004
 Issue 104 Sale of Real Property by Personal Representative   3/1/2004
 Issue 105 In Rem Jurisdiction and Foreign Courts   4/1/2004
 Issue 106 Title Insurance Company Selection and Affiliated Business Relationships   5/1/2004
 Issue 107 Electronic Recording Legislation Around the Corner   6/1/2004
 Issue 107 Attorneys Not Subject to Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act   6/1/2004
 Issue 108 Bankruptcy/Foreclosure Procedures Derail Tax Foreclosure Title   7/1/2004
 Issue 108 Reissue Rates and Consumer Protection   7/1/2004
 Issue 109 Federal Legislative Update   8/1/2004
 Issue 109 Frequently Asked Questions - 1031 Exchanges   8/1/2004
 Issue 110 PUD and Condo Acts Amended   9/1/2004
 Issue 111 Adverse Possession Decision Affirmed   10/1/2004
 Issue 111 Current Concerns in the State of our Industry   10/1/2004
 Issue 112 Red Tax Flags for Commercial Transactions   11/1/2004
 Issue 113 Two Real Property Ethics Opinions Proposed for 2004   12/1/2004
 Issue 114 Another Contorted Covenant Case   1/1/2005
 Issue 115 Infirmity - Practical Execution and Acknowledgment   2/1/2005
 Issue 115 A Word About Surveys   2/1/2005
 Issue 115 HUD Publishes New Interim Rule on Flipping   2/1/2005
 Issue 116 Recent Updates in Section 1031 Tax-Deferred Exchange Practice and Procedure   3/1/2005
 Issue 117 Legislative Update, April 2005   4/1/2005
 Issue 118 Legislative Update II, May 2005   5/1/2005
 Issue 119 New PCA/Condo Amendments Being Considered   6/1/2005
 Issue 119 Structuring Reverse Exchanges to Meet Your Clients' Needs   6/1/2005
 Issue 120 Estate of Graham v. Morrison, They're Back!   7/1/2005
 Issue 121 New Mortgage Satisfaction Law   8/1/2005
 Issue 121 Lien Waivers (Reminder)   8/1/2005
 Issue 122 Electronic Recording/Notary Act Adopted   9/1/2005
 Issue 122 You Decide!   9/1/2005
 Issue 123 North Carolina Adopts UTC   10/1/2005
 Issue 124 Court of Appeals Decides Covenant Amendment Case   11/1/2005
 Issue 125 Easement Case Advances on Procedure Decision   12/1/2005
 Issue 125 Marketable Title Act Decision   12/1/2005
 Issue 126 Notary Act Concerns   1/1/2006
 Issue 127 Equitable Subrogation Case Refines Issues   2/1/2006
 Issue 128 Qualification of Section 1031 Intermediaries   3/1/2006
 Issue 129 Postnuptial Agreement Enforcement Decided   4/1/2006
 Issue 130 TIC's...Do They Bite?
Real Estate Considerations in Tax Deferred Transactions   
 Issue 131 Judgements, Entireties and Divorce   6/1/2006
 Issue 131 Public Streets or Private Ways   6/1/2006
 Issue 132 Notary Act Amended by Legislature   7/1/2006
 Issue 133 Subcontractor Liens Against Owner   8/1/2006
 Issue 133 New Nonprofit Association Act   8/1/2006
 Issue 134 Unrecorded Plats and Appurtenant Easements   9/1/2006
 Issue 135 Supreme Court Speaks on Covenant Amendment Case   10/1/2006
 Issue 136 Closings and Consumer Protection   11/1/2006
 Issue 136 Contracts Perilous Ground for Practitioners   11/1/2006
 Issue 137 2006 Instantaneous Se isin Case   12/1/2006
 Issue 138 Street Dedication and Easement Issues Decided   1/1/2007
 Issue 139 Prescriptive Easement Opinion Looks at Proof Issues   2/1/2007
 Issue 139 Dirt Tales From the Deed Vault - Episode 1   2/1/2007
 Issue 140 Two Consumer Protection Bills that Need Your Support   3/1/2007
 Issue 141 4th Circuit Intellectual Property Case Affects Realty   4/1/2007
 Issue 141 Dirt Tales From the Deed Vault - Episode 2   4/1/2007
 Issue 142 Adding Description Post-Closing Invalidates Mortgage   5/1/2007
 Issue 142 Dirt Tales From the Deed Vault - Episode 3   5/1/2007
 Issue 143 Proposed Real Property Ethics Opinions Pending   6/1/2007
 Issue 143 Dirt Tales From the Deed Vault - Episode 4   6/1/2007
 Issue 144 COA Addresses Variant Name Spelling, Indexing and Idem Sonans   7/1/2007
 Issue 144 Dirt Tales From the Deed Vault - Episode 5   7/1/2007
 Issue 145 New Legislation 2007   8/1/2007
 Issue 145 Dirt Tales From the Deed Vault - Episode 6   8/1/2007
 Issue 146 Transactions with Churches and Non-Profit Associations   9/1/2007
 Issue 146 Dirt Tales From the Deed Vault - Episode 7   9/1/2007
 Issue 147 Marketable Title Synonyms   10/1/2007
 Issue 147 Dirt Tales From the Deed Vault - Episode 8   10/1/2007
 Issue 148 Court Rules Mortgagee has Fiduciary Duty for Escrows   11/1/2007
 Issue 148 Dirt Tales From the Deed Vault - Episode 9   11/1/2007
 Issue 149 Reverse Mortgages on the Rise   12/1/2007
 Issue 149 Dirt Tales From the Deed Vault - Episode 10   12/1/2007
 Issue 150 Six Year SOL Preserves Easement Encroachments   1/1/2008
 Issue 150 Winter/Spring 2008 Economic Outlook   1/1/2008
 Issue 151 COA Interprets Validity of Condo Declaration Provision   2/1/2008
 Issue 152 Court of Appeals Decides Dorean Priority Issue   3/1/2008
 Issue 152 Dirt Tales From the Deed Vault - Episode 11   3/1/2008
 Issue 153 NC Supreme Court Remands Covenant Case in Per Curiam Opinion   4/1/2008
 Issue 153 Dirt Tales From the Deed Vault - Episode 12   4/1/2008
 Issue 154 Subcontractor's Lien Survives Contractor's Default   5/1/2008
 Issue 154 Dirt Tales From the Deed Vault - Episode 13   5/1/2008
 Issue 155 Real Property Transfer on Death Act   6/1/2008
 Issue 155 Dirt Tales From the Deed Vault - Episode 14   6/1/2008
 Issue 156 COA Decides Consideration Issue   7/1/2008
 Issue 156 Dirt Tales From the Deed Vault - Episode 15   7/1/2008
 Issue 157 IRS Issues Final Regulation on Qualified Intermediary Funds   8/1/2008
 Issue 157 Dirt Tales From the Deed Vault - Episode 16   8/1/2008
 Issue 158 Scrivener's Error Corrective Statute Replaced with Notice Statute   9/1/2008
 Issue 158 Revocable Trust Assets Subject to Decedent's Debts   9/1/2008
 Issue 158 Dirt Tales From the Deed Vault - Episode 17   9/1/2008
 Issue 159 COA Addresses Issue in Implied Easement Case   10/1/2008
 Issue 159 Dirt Tales From the Deed Vault - Episode 18   10/1/2008
 Issue 160 Unilateral Easement Relocation by Servient Owner Quashed   11/1/2008
 Issue 160 Dirt Tales From the Deed Vault - Episode 19   11/1/2008
 Issue 161 Watch out for Domestic Property Settlement Traps   12/1/2008
 Issue 161 Dirt Tales From the Deed Vault - Episode 20   12/1/2008
 Issue 162 Case Tests Distribution of Foreclosure Surplus   1/1/2009
 Issue 162 Dirt Tales From the Deed Vault - Episode 21   1/1/2009
 Issue 163 2009 Legislative Preview   2/1/2009
 Issue 163 Dirt Tales From the Deed Vault - Episode 22   2/1/2009
 Issue 164 Risk of Loss for Attorney Defalcation   3/1/2009
 Issue 164 Dirt Tales From the Deed Vault - Episode 23   3/1/2009
 Issue 165 April 2009 Legislative Update - Bills of Interest to Real Property Practitioners   4/1/2009
 Issue 165 Dirt Tales From the Deed Vault - Episode 24   4/1/2009
 Issue 166 Bankruptcy Court: 1031 Funds are Assets of QI's Estate   5/1/2009
 Issue 166 Dirt Tales From the Deed Vault - Episode 25   5/1/2009
 Issue 167 House Bill 800, Renunciation Amendments   6/1/2009
 Issue 167 Dirt Tales From the Deed Vault - Episode 26   6/1/2009
 Issue 168 COA Allows Railroad to Block Crossing After 60 Years   7/1/2009
 Issue 168 Dirt Tales From the Deed Vault - Episode 27   7/1/2009
 Issue 168 Protecting Tenants at Foreclosure Act of 2009   7/1/2009
 Issue 169 2009 August Legislative Update   8/1/2009
 Issue 169 Dirt Tales From the Deed Vault - Episode 28   8/1/2009
 Issue 170 Court of Appeals Affirms Boundary Decision   9/1/2009
 Issue 170 Dirt Tales From the Deed Vault - Episode 29   9/1/2009
 Issue 171 Tax Sale Rule 60 Relief   10/1/2009
 Issue 171 Federal Bill termed 'Largest Federal Land Grab'   10/1/2009
 Issue 171 Dirt Tales From the Deed Vault - Episode 30   10/1/2009
 Issue 172 Trial Court Sets Aside Foreclosure Sale - Remanded   11/1/2009
 Issue 172 Dirt Tales From the Deed Vault - Episode 31   11/1/2009
 Issue 173 Supreme Court Decides Contra Ledges Case   12/1/2009
 Issue 174 Corporations: Conveyancing and Authority Issues   1/1/2010
 Issue 174 Dirt Tales From the Deed Vault - Episode 32   1/1/2010
 Issue 175 Eliminating "Secret Liens" Under Chapter 44A   2/1/2010
 Issue 175 Dirt Tales From the Deed Vault - Episode 33   2/1/2010
 Issue 176 N.C. Supreme Court affirms Traditional Doctrine in Boundary Case   3/1/2010
 Issue 176 Dirt Tales From the Deed Vault - Episode 34   3/1/2010
 Issue 177 Recording, Reformation and Mortgage Priority   4/1/2010
 Issue 178 Johnson v. Schultz Revisited, Risk of Loss for Attorney Defalcation   5/1/2010
 Issue 178 Dirt Tales From the Deed Vault - Episode 35   5/1/2010
 Issue 179 NCLTA Lien Waiver Forms Revised May 2010   6/1/2010
 Issue 179 Pending Bill - Homeowner and Homebuyer Protection Act   6/1/2010
 Issue 179 Manmade Canal Held to be Public Trust Lands by COA   6/1/2010
 Issue 180 Equity Line Payoffs - Problem Requiring Great Care   7/1/2010
 Issue 180 Dirt Tales From the Deed Vault - Episode 36   7/1/2010
 Issue 181 2010 Legislative Update   8/1/2010
 Issue 182 Court of Appeals Says: Ordinance Violation is an Encumbrance   10/1/2010
 Issue 183 Court of Appeals Says: Count Lots, Not Heads, to Amend CCR's   11/1/2010
 Issue 184 New Contract Resets Date of First Furnishing in Ch. 44A Action   12/1/2010
 Issue 185 Recent North Carolina State Bar Ethics Opinions   1/1/2011
 Issue 186 Necessary Parties Really Are Necessary   3/1/2011
 Issue 187 Court of Appeals - Note Renewal Not Secured by Deed of Trust   4/1/2011
 Issue 188 Foreclosure Cases Dissect 'Holder' Status in NC   6/1/2011
 Issue 189 2011 Legislative Update - Register of Deeds   7/1/2011
 Issue 190 Modernization of Deed of Trust Laws - Part 1   8/1/2011
 Issue 191 Modernization of Deed of Trust Laws - Part II   9/1/2011
 Issue 192 Case Tests Enforceability of Right of First Refusal   11/1/2011
 Issue 193 Alamance - Orange Boundary to Shift   12/1/2011
 Issue 193 Conservation Easements - Enhanced Tax Incentives Set to Expire   12/1/2011
 Issue 194 Reformation Priority Relates Back Over Chapter 44A Lien   1/1/2012
 Issue 195 Related Party Section 1031 Exchanges   2/1/2012
 Issue 196 Right to Amend Restrictive Covenants   3/1/2012
 Issue 197 Ch. 44A Lien Statute Amendment Addresses 'Hidden Lien' Issue   6/1/2012
 Issue 198 Trust, Probate and Estate Administration Amendments   7/1/2012
 Issue 199 Current Cases of Note Through July 15, 2012   8/1/2012
 Issue 200 Deed of Trust Severs Joint Tenancy with Right of Survivorship   9/1/2012
 Issue 201 Condo Act Mandates Uniform Assessment Procedure   11/1/2012
 Issue 202 Commercial use not Prohibited by Restrictive Covenants   12/1/2012
 Issue 203 Court of Appeals - Common Law Marriage   1/1/2013
 Issue 204 Violation of UPL Statute no Defense to Foreclosure   2/1/2013
 Issue 205 Foreclosure Priority; N.C.G.S. Sec. 45-37(b) Unconstitutional as Applied and Equitable Subrogation Denied   5/1/2013
 Issue 206 Borrower's Quiet Title, Good Faith and Fair Dealing Allegations Survive Lender's Dismissal Motions   7/1/2013
 Issue 207 2013 Legislative Update   8/1/2013
 Issue 208 2012-2013 Summary Case Update   9/1/2013
 Issue 209 Supreme Court Reverses Court of Appeals in Bass   10/1/2013
 Issue 210 Two Cases on Proof of Facts   12/1/2013
 Issue 211 Tree Case Illustrates Elements of Proof for Damage to Real Property   2/1/2014
 Issue 212 Cashier's Checks Not Irrevocably Credited Upon Deposit   4/1/2014
 Issue 212 IRC Section 1031 Considerations for Spring Quarter   4/1/2014
 Issue 213 Establishing the Location of a Disputed Boundary   6/1/2014
 Issue 214 Now that we're not in South Carolina anymore, what are you doing to fix it?   7/1/2014
 Issue 214 Blangiardo v. Commissioner, T.C. Memo. 2014-110   7/1/2014
 Issue 215 47F - Transfer of Special Declarant Rights Bill Adopted   8/1/2014
 Issue 216 HOA Covenant Amendment Unreasonable under Armstrong Analysis   9/1/2014
 Issue 217 Fall 2014 Court of Appeals Update   11/1/2014
 Issue 217 Holding Periods, Just How Long is Enough?   11/1/2014
 Issue 218 Six Year Statute of Limitation for Easement Encroachment   12/1/2014
 Issue 219 COA Holds Revenue Suspended Corporation Can Wind Up   1/1/2015
 Issue 220 COA Reconsiders Encroachment as Continuing Trespass   3/1/2015
 Issue 221 COA Affirms Lender's Equitable Subrogation Judgment   4/1/2015
 Issue 222 Statute of Limitations for Equitable Accounting   5/1/2015
 Issue 223 Transfer Fees, Covenants Running with the Land?   7/1/2015
 Issue 224 Special Use Ad Valorem Tax Valuation for Developers   11/1/2015
 Issue 224 Applying ALTA Best Practice 5 in North Carolina   11/1/2015
 Issue 225 COA - Invalid Acknowledgment Renders Deed "Void"   1/1/2016
 Issue 226 FIRPTA Requirements Changed February 16, 2016   2/25/2016
 Issue 227 IRC Section 1031 Exchanges - Taking Title   3/1/2016
 Issue 227 NC Supreme Court - Deficiency Offset Available to Guarantors   3/1/2016
 Issue 228 Reserved Powers of Appointment   4/1/2016
 Issue 229 Internal Revenue Code Section 721 Exchanges (UPREITS)   6/1/2016
 Issue 229 Builder's Inventory Exemption Pitfalls   6/1/2016
 Issue 230 Beach above Mean High Water Subject to Public Trust Doctrine   8/1/2016
 Issue 231 Atlantic Coast Props., Inc. v. Saunders, (365A15) 4/15/2016   10/31/2016
 Issue 232 Taxpayers Win 1031 Construction/Reverse Outside of Safe Harbors   11/1/2016
 Issue 232 Groundwater Contamination and Intestacy Claims   11/1/2016
 Issue 233 Davis v. Davis (COA 16-400) 11/1/2016
Court of Appeals Quashes Self-imposed Restraint on Alienation   
 Issue 234 Adelman v. Gantt, COA (16-339) Filed: December 30, 2016
Strict Necessity not Necessary for Easement Implied by Prior Use   
 Issue 235 20-year Statute of Limitations for Easement Encroachment Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC v. Gray (108PA14-2) 8/19/2016   3/1/2017
 Issue 236 In re: Thompson (COA 16-1014) 04/18/2017 Latent Description Error will not Defeat Conveyance   4/1/2017
 Issue 237 Kimler v. The Crossings at Sugar Hill (15-1301) 8/2/2016
HOA Authority to Amend Declarations under the PCA   
 Issue 238 KB Aircraft Acquisition, LLC v. Berry (15-823) 8/16/2016
Uniform Voidable Transactions Act - Statute of Repose   
 Issue 239 Tanglewood POA, Inc. v. Isenhour, COA17-101 8/1/ 2017 Owner's Duty to Maintain Platted Lots   9/1/2017
 Issue 240 In Re: Ackah COA16-8295 9/5/2017 Notice Insufficient for HOA Foreclosure May Pass Good Title   10/1/2017
 Issue 241 Proof of Adverse Possession by Lappage   12/1/2017
 Issue 242 Rutledge v. Feher, COA 16-1287 9/5/2017
Calling the Roll on Contingent Remainders   
 Issue 243 Honeycutt v. Weaver (17-410) 2/6/2018
Statute of Limitations for Voidable 'Gift' Deed   
 Issue 244 Related Party 1031 Exchanges   4/1/2018
 Issue 244 How Can Leaseholds Qualify Under IRS Code Section 1031   4/1/2018
 Issue 244 Annuity Funded "Structured Sales"   4/1/2018
 Issue 244 Can I Get My Money Before the Exchange Ends?   4/1/2018
 Issue 244 Build To Suit Exchanges   4/1/2018
 Issue 244 Safe Harbors Help Taxpayers Play it Safe   4/1/2018
 Issue 244 US Tax Court Limits Exchanges of Vacation Homes   4/1/2018
 Issue 244 Exchange Regulation   4/1/2018
 Issue 244 IRS Issues Final Regulation on Qualified Intermediary Funds   4/1/2018
 Issue 244 Section 1031, Holding Requirements for Drop/Swap and Swap/Drop Deals   4/1/2018
 Issue 244 Bankruptcy Court: 1031 Funds are Assets of QI's Estate   4/1/2018
 Issue 244 Related Party Pitfalls   4/1/2018
 Issue 245 Cole v. Bonaparte's Retreat POA, Inc.(COA 17-492) 4/17/2018 Privity Needed for Tacking Adverse Possession   5/1/2018
 Issue 246 In re: Sharpe (17-1151) 4/3/2018
COA Reads Pre-Nuptial Agreement Broadly   
 Issue 247 Anderson v. Walker (17-782) 7/3/18
Specific Performance of RP Contract v. Unrecorded ROFR   
 Issue 248 Solesbee v. Brown COA16-1214 September 19, 2017 Partition in Kind or Sale, Necessary Findings   8/1/2018
 Issue 249 The Town of Carrboro v. Slack (COA17-864) 9/18/2018
COA Analyses Express and Implied Easement Claims   
 Issue 250 NationStar Mortg. LLC v. Curry (18-351) 11/6/2018
Secured Lender Not Named Party to Estate Sale of Real Property   
 Issue 251 In re Will of Allen, NC S. Ct. (227PA17) 12/7/2018
North Carolina Supreme Court Clarifies Holographic Will Doctrine   
 Issue 252 Case Law Briefs - February 2019   2/1/2019
 Issue 253 Case Law Briefs - March 2019   3/1/2019
 Issue 254 May 2019 Case Law Update   5/1/2019
 Issue 255 Taylor v. Hiatt (COA 18-864) 6/4/2019
COA Analyzes Right to Erect Gates on Platted Easement   
 Issue 256 In re: Nicor, LLC (18-1071) 8/6/19 Foreclosure When Debt Previously Reduced to Judgment   9/1/2019
 Issue 257 Brawley v. Sherrill (18-1043) 9/3/2019
Court of Appeals interprets 'per stirpes'   
 Issue 258 U.S. Bank Na'tl Ass'n v. Wood (18-1259) 11/5/2109
Equitable Subrogation Applicable in Purchase Transaction   
 Issue 259 Duke Energy Progress, Inc. v. Kane (COA18-239) 4/16/2019
Color of Title Limitation on Utility Easement   
 Issue 260 Common Ownership for Easement Implied by Prior Use
B.V. Belk, Jr. v. VRS Magnolia Plaza (COA 19-563) 2/4/2020 (Unpublished)   
 Issue 261 In re: Giddens (COA 19-792) 3/3/2020
Application of RE Sale Proceeds to Estate Deficiency Judgment   
 Issue 262 Cummings v. Carroll (19-283) 3/3/2020, Negligent Representation in Sale of Home, Broker Liability   5/1/2020
 Issue 263 In re: Worley (19-345) 4/21/2020
Holographic Will or Power of Attorney? Issue of Devisavit Vel Non   
 Issue 264 2020 Real Property Legislation Part 1
Tenancy by the Entirety and JTWROS   
 Issue 265 2020 Real Property Legislation Part 2 - Partition   9/1/2020
 Issue 266 In Re Cracker (COA 20-4) 10/6/2020 Implied Waiver of Marital Rights   10/1/2020
 Issue 266 Sauls v. Barbour (COA 19-1042) 9/1/2020   10/1/2020
 Issue 267 Bauman v. Pasquotank Cty. ABC Bd. (19-613) 4/7/2020
Trusts - Adverse Possession under Color of Title   
 Issue 268 2020 Real Property Legislation Part 3 - Elective Share   12/1/2020
 Issue 269 King v. Duke Energy Progress, LLC (COA 20-292) 2/16/2021
Replacement Cost as Measure of Trespass to Timber Damages for Ornamental Trees   
 Issue 269 Section 1031, Holding Requirements for Drop/Swap and Swap/Drop Deals   2/1/2021
 Issue 270 Home Realty v Red Fox Red Fox Country Club Owners Ass'n
Prior Mortgage Cuts Off Subsequent Covenants   
 Issue 271 Explaining ALTA Homeowner & Enhanced Policy Coverage   4/1/2021
 Issue 272 C Invs. 2, LLC v. Auger (COA 19-976) 5/18/2021
Real Property Marketable Title Act Exception for Residential Covenants   
 Issue 273 In Re George, NC Supreme Court, 77A19, 4/16/21
Effect of Insufficient Notice in HOA Foreclosure   
 Issue 274 Hovey v. Sand Dollar Shores HOA Assn. Inc. (20-423) 4/6/2021
Elements of Public Dedication of Beach Access   
 Issue 275 Gribble v. Bostian (COA 20-412) 8/17/2021
Acquiescence Sufficient to Locate Appurtenant Easement   
 Issue 276 Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. v. Stocks (2021-NCSC-90) 8/13/2021
Statute of Limitations for Reformation of Deed   
 Issue 277 Taylor v. Hiatt(20-322) 9/21/2021
Gates over Access Easements, Revisited   
 Issue 278 Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC v. Kiser (20-333) 10/19/2021
Easements, Navigability and Public Trust Doctrine for Land under Man-Made Lakes   
 Issue 279 Cummings v. Carroll (2021-NCSC-147) 12/17/2021
Negligent Representation in Home Sale, Broker Liability Revisited   
 Issue 280 Parks v. Johnson (2022-NCCOA-129) 3/1/2022
Will Interpretation as to a Former Spouse   
 Issue 281 County of Mecklenburg v. Ryan (21-205) 2/15/2022
Tax Sale Opinion Rests upon Inadequate Service of Process   
 Issue 282 The Cherry Community Org. v Sellars, (141PA20-1) 5/6/2022
NC's Uniform Voidable Transactions Act Defense Construed   
 Issue 283 Grooms Prop. Mgmt., Inc. v. Muirfield Condo. Ass'n (2022-NCCOA-488) 7/19/2022
Condo Association Declaration Required Insurance Coverage of Units   
 Issue 284 Matthews v. Fields (COA 21-589) 7/19/2022
Installment Land Sales Contract - Equitable Title   
 Issue 285 In re: Simmons (COA 21-682) 10/4/2022
Foreclosure Voided Due to Lack of Notice of Trustee Neutrality   
 Issue 286 Fall 2022 North Carolina Case Law Update   11/1/2022
 Issue 286 Section 1031, Holding Requirements for Drop/Swap and Swap/Drop Deals   11/30/2022
 Issue 287 C Invs. 2, LLC v. Auger (2022-NCSC-119) 12/16/2022
Real Property Marketable Title Act Exception for Residential Covenants   
 Issue 288 2022 Legislative Review   1/1/2023
 Issue 289 Summary of the 2021 Changes to the ALTA Policy Forms   2/1/2023
 Issue 290 Abbott v. Abernathy (COA22-162) 2/7/2023
Easement Primer: Standing; Abandonment; Overburdening; Dedication   
 Issue 291 Holding Requirements for Drop/Swap and Swap/Drop Deals - (Revised 5/1//23)   4/1/2023
 Issue 292 Duke Energy v Kiser, et al. (398PA21-1) 4/28/2023
Easement Rights to Man-made Lake Bottom   
 Issue 293 Kassel v. Rienth (COA 22-825) 6/6/2023
Specific Performance of a Judicial Consent Order   
 Issue 294 MidFirst Bank v. Brown (22-283) 12/06/2022
Sheriff's Sale Lien Priority, Equitable Subrogation, Debtor Misrepresentation   
 Issue 295 Hinman v. Cornett (COA 22-481) 8/1/2023
Adverse Possession of Fee Underlying an Easement   
 Issue 296 Bryan v. Kittinger (COA 21-98) 4/25/2022
"The issue is, what is chicken?" Covenants and Poultry vs. Pets   
 Issue 297 Gouch v. Rotunno (COA 23-283) 10/17/23
Restrictive Covenants, Record Notice Where Plat Not Referenced   
 Issue 298 Bulliard v. Highland Gate HOA, Inc. (COA 23-452) 11/27/2023
Failure to Join Necessary Parties Challenging Amendments to Covenants   
 Issue 299 Carcano v. JBSS, LLC (COA 23-685) 12/19/2023 Limitation on Renewing a Judgement   1/1/2024
 Issue 300 In re: Jones (23-594) 2/20/2024
Questioned Credit-Counseling Can't Halt Reverse Mortgage Foreclosure   
 Issue 301 Builders Mut. Ins. Co. v. Neibel (23-240) 3/19/2024
Service by Publication Requires Reasonable Due Diligence   
 Issue 302 Mileview LLC v. The Reserve II (COA 23-603 - Unpublished) 2/20/2024
Reasonableness of HOA amendment   
 Issue 303 Real Time Resolutions, Inc. v. Cole (COA 23-464) 5/7/2024
Statute of Limitations for Foreclosure   
 Issue 304 Atlantech Distribution, Inc. (COA 23-751) 7/16/2024
Contractor's Partial Lien Waivers Ineffective to Cut off Sub   
 Issue 305 Patel v. Patel (COA23-924) 7/16/2024
Judgment Transferred to a Debtor is a Legal Satisfaction   
 Issue 306 McDougald v. White Oak Plant'n HOA, Inc. (23-756) 8/6/2024
Reasonableness of Restrictive Covenant Amendment via NC PCA   
 Issue 306 2120 Arlington Place Tr. v. Jones (COA 24-39) 8/20/2024
Validity of Deed to a Trust as Grantee and Standing of Trusts as Entities   
 Issue 307 In re: Hayes (COA 22-1058) 7/16/2024
Implicit Waiver of Elective Share   
 Issue 308 MidFirst Bank v. Brown (14PA23) 5/23/2024
Equitable Subrogation Lien Priority   
 Issue 309 Anhui Omi Vinyl v. USA Opel Flooring (COA 23-993) 8/6/2024
Uniform Voidable Transactions Act Applied   
 Issue 310 CL Howard Invs. I, LLC v. Wilm. Sav. Fund Soc'y, FS (COA24-466)
Loan Modification Priority over Junior Deed of Trust, Filed 12/31/2024   
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